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10 Website Design Mistakes

10 IDX Website Design Mistakes

Nov 20, 2019

Why isn’t your website working for you?

Maybe you’re not getting enough traffic or capturing enough leads. Maybe you have no idea what kind of value your website offers over other agent websites out there? Maybe you’re wondering why you even have a website?

You’re not alone.

But the reality is that it really doesn’t take thousands of dollars, a developer, and Shakespearean prose to create a great website. 

That’s why we created a document that provides the top 10 essential tips for your IDX website design. These are dos and don’ts that you’ll want to take into account if you’re creating a brand new site, or if your site has been up for a while and needs an audit. 

I hope you’ll take a moment to download and read it. I sincerely hope it helps you in your efforts. As I always say, “Here’s to your success”. If you have any questions, you can always reach me at If you’re not running a LIVE Data IDX solution on your website and would like to see it in action, our IDX specialists are now doing fast IDX consultations (not high pressure sales demos). Use the form below to get added to the schedule.  

Let’s make this Fast, Smart, and Easy. Get a demo from one of our IDX specialists now.

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